I completed GRABAAWR!!! In case you might not know, but GRABAAWR stands for "Great Annual Bicycle Adventure Along The Wisconsin River". This involved bicycling over 485+ miles in 7 days. The weather was on the warmer side (90+ F), and we only got rained on once. I can proudly say that I never walked up any hills, and we average over 17 miles per hour on the bike. GRABAAWR had a small turn out this year, just around 473 people. The average age was 53 years old, and many have done other tours. The best way to describe it is like summer camp for adults. Most people are on the bike between 6-7 am, and get to the school by 2-4 pm. This gives you plenty of time to meet people, have a few drinks, and fall a sleep when the sun goes down. The long day on the bike was 88 miles with the shortest was 52 miles. I lost over 30 pounds, and got my butt back into cycling shape. I would recommend everyone try a supported tour even if it was for couple of days.